
Cheap Beats By Dre MIXR Blue Black Reviews

Cheap Beats By Dre MIXR Blue Black

Beats By Dre MIXR Blue Black" separation line using the machine design, headphones and audio cable are mutually independent, very strong anti-jamming capability , wire flexibility is quite good, not accidentally wander audio cable is not firmly snapped joints, so is also designed to bring a lot of convenience maintenance . Cable length is up to 4 meters , lying in bed listening to a song or movie would not have purchased separately to extend the line , very convenient.First with Cheap Beats By Dre MIXR to audition because "Cheap Beats By Dre MIXR Black" impedance is relatively low, only 32 in Europe, it is generally a good player can still drive it. We take a look at how the performance of the MD . Piano with vegetables , " ferry " Eagles " Hotel California " to test its bass, drums along with the ups and downs , can feel the HP 890 's bass is really very good. Bass neat, fast response, good flexibility , it has exceeded the bass Xiaobian expected.

